Destination Charger Grants

What are NSW Destination Charging Grants?

 The NSW Government initiative will provide grants from $2,000 up to $40,000 per site for

  • 75% of the cost of eligible 7 kW and/or 22 kW EV chargers

  • 75% of the cost of installation (capped at $1,000 per charger)

  • 50% towards a 2 year eligible EV charger software subscription.

What is a Destination Charger?

A wall or ground mounted EV Charger in the venues car park. The charger provides a convenience charge and adds up to 50 to 80 kms/hour of extra range to the electric vehicle (EV) battery. The business can provide a valued service to the EV owner at a minimal or no cost.

Why install a Destination Charger?

An EV charger is provided at your business to encourage visits by EV owners. Benefits include:

  • Attracts new visitors due to the availability of a charger.

  • An improved visitor experience and promotes EV’s to existing customers.  

  • Increases loyalty to the business.

  • Can be free of charge or require payment by the EV owner

  • Longer visit times as they wait for the car to finish charging. Typical dwell times below.

Source: Drive electric NSW EV destination charging grants.

How do I Install a Destination Charger?

Fixer Electrical can help you work through the grant funding process and give you advice on:

  • The suitability of your site

  • Location and selection of eligible chargers

  • Charger, installation and software costs

  • Calculate how much will be funded by the grant program

  • Installation of software to allocate costs or billing to EV owners

  • Advice on selection of electricity provider to minimise ongoing costs

Is my business eligible?

Eligible businesses include:

  • Accommodation providers (at least 10 rooms)

  • Attractions - theme, water or amusement parks

  • Entertainment venues - Licensed clubs, cinemas and theatres.

  • Galleries and museums. Historical sites, landmarks, buildings of interest to visitors. Parks and gardens.

  • Retail shopping centres, spas and retreats.

  • Sport and recreation facilities. Zoos, aquariums and wildlife parkss.

  • Caravan parks, cafes, bars, restaurants, wineries, breweries.

  • Visitor information services and libraries.

  • The premises can be owned or operated by private entities, local government, community groups or Crown Land.

  • Available in most regional council areas  (except Newcastle LGA)

  • Full details on the grants program are located here

Contact us.

Call or text Ryan on 0429 690 700

Office: Wallsend, NSW, 2287